I'm reluctantly betting my time that someone will find something useful here.
Let's figure out how to automate the deployment of a full stack project using tailored configurations for different environments, without increasing developer workload or technical debt
Let's explore how to automate the generation of a web app manifest in a Next.js project, and how this simple JSON file can help enhance your web app's appearance and branding.
Let's explore how RSS can boost reach and discoverability in modern blogging as I share how I chose to integrate it into my static NextJS site.
Let's discuss the benefits of using Markdown for simplified content management. Incorporate Markdown into your projects, from documentation to blogging, to enhance your content workflow
Let's take a look at what makes an interesting, effective, professional developer website, with some advice from some engineering leaders.
Here I will ramble about the tools and technologies I used to build this website.
Let's celebrate the zeroth birthday of my website, or an excuse to test the blogging functionality of my statically-generated, Next.JS web application